Being geographically remote does not mean you have to compromise with solar power, water efficiency or wind power – in fact it often works in businesses’ favor.
Remote Solar Power
Regional Australia’s wide open spaces enable maximum exposure to the sun and increased install flexibility to help position solar power systems at optimum angles to harness the sun’s energy.
Remote Water Capture and Recycling
Servicing Remote and Regional Australia has unique challenges, which Green Gateway are equipped to manage.
Green Gateway can tailor rain harvesting, water recycling and treatment devices to resolve all your remote water issues. Agriculture projects, mining ventures or geographically remote communities, Green Gateway offers local and state governments the best advice and water efficient solutions. We also arrange the most cost effective transport and installation of our water systems all under the one roof.
Remote Wind Power
Regional Green Gateway can tailor wind turbine installs to resolve all your off-grid and remote energy issues. Outback stations, mining ventures, communities living in remote offshore island environments, campers or exploratory vehicles, Green Gateway can offer you the best advice and wind power systems while arranging the most cost effective transport and installation all under the one roof.
Contact our director, Todd Mason on +61 0406610776 to discuss your requirements.